Southeast Wisconsin doula and Milwaukee doula Martha at

cropped-2016-05-22-16-06-341.jpgDOULA SUPPORT AND QUESTIONS

Questions are a great way to figure out what is best for you.

I noticed that for many questions about pregnancy, childbirth, and  parenting that the answers are similar.

  • Is natural birth better than getting an epidural?
  • Why does it matter who my provider is?
  • How does a doula help?
  • Why does it matter what happens at my birth?
  • At what point in labor should I head to the hospital?
  • Should I just agree to an induction when it feels wrong for me?

For all of the above excellent questions the answers are similar:  When you keep your power, and keep your voice, gain information, and trust yourself your pregnancy and birth bring a strong foundation to you as a person and as a mother.  So, for the above questions the answer involves what does keeping your voice mean for you personally.

For example, if your care provider respects you, listens to you and avoids fear tactics then it is much easier to keep your self trust.  When you keep your self trust, your body listens too, and you open for birth.

Example again, what happens at your birth is sacred, the emotional, spiritual, and physical happenings set the base for you as a mother. When you keep your voice and power, instead of giving these away, you move forward with strength, love and confidence.


Milwaukee doula Martha at 262-902-8714

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