Milwaukee Doula Martha at Doula Woman posting on virtual doula support

Virtual doula support is a needed option sometimes. So far I have attended one birth in which I supported virtually, part of the time.  Most of my prenatal meetings, educational sessions, consults, and listening support are now on zoom, facebook, or google-hangouts.

How does doula support work virtually?  Well, there is no standard.  Doula support can be almost all in-person (distancing, PPE, health assessments, etc when we are in a pandemic), almost all virtual, or all virtual, or some other combination.  It will depend on your preferences, if your doula’s  policies, and for in-hospital clients the current rules at a given hospital.   You and your doula figure out how set up prenatals, labor support, and postpartum support specific to your situation.  You may a do a rehearsal meaning that you use one or two methods (such as Facebook and Zoom) and get used to the logistics. Then, you switch easily from in-person to virtual support as you move your labor from home to hospital.

What I did so far is to create  virtual doula support that is similar to what I would do  in-person.  I kept a close watch in case something happened quickly such as a surprise in hospital protocol, or to clarify a vaginal birth time limit so as to pro-actively suggest things my client could do in the moment to meet that time limit. I went in the background for much of labor as I would do in hospital when  a patient is resting with an epidural, has time alone, has time with her partner, etc.  I also demonstrated acupressure while standing up a chair so that I could be seen. When there was something I would have done physically, I asked my client her view, and if she was up for it, then she asked the nurses or her partner to do the physical work such as position changes.  I had my little phone self held up to my client’s ear when things got super emotional. As for prenatal meetings, the energy felt somewhat similar to in-person,  A few things I demonstrated may have looked a bit odd.   So, things are being worked out, and I am thankful for this opportunity.

Preference so far for both my clients and me is that  on average in-person doula support is preferred.  That said, this is new.  Doula support v. none is a top priority now since skipping or minimizing in-hospital time for all people, and especially newborns and birthing people is extremely important to stay physically healthy.  And, physical health is very connected to mental and spiritual health for pregnant and birthing people and for postpartum .

Sincerely, Milwaukee doula Martha at Doula Woman 262 902 8714.  Reach out any time!




Doulas near Milwaukee Doulas Southeast Wi., Martha post : Why to labor at home prior to hospital birth.

You know you will birth in-hospital and you wish to minimize trauma, drama, and to

  • Milwaukee doula at
    Labor at home in Milwaukee

    birth vaginally.  If this describes you then laboring at home prior to birth in hospital is of great advantage and here is why:

  •   YOU CAN ESCAPE THE  CASCADE OF INTERVENTIONS. (The cascade causes increase in  c-sections, forceps, vacuum, and hospital complications such as infection, baby in ICU, breast-feeding challenges, etc. It means you  get Pitocin to augment your labor, need an epidural or pain meds early in labor, feel out-of-control).
  • YOU AND BABY STAY IN SYNCH HORMONALY.  You get the effect of naturally produced oxytocin which speeds up labor, helps baby position best for anterior presentation, and ups likelihood of vaginal birth because your baby can make the moves needed to “fit” through your pelvis as you move and breath from instinct.
  • IT IS MUCH EASIER TO COPE WITH THE INCREASED INTENSITY OF YOUR BIRTHING WAVES AT HOME.  When you stay inner-focused your hormones take care of things and labor moves along. Oxytocin crosses to your brain, the pain lessens, more oxytocin is released, and opening for birth happens. At the hospital you are questioned, epidurals are the norm, your ability to move about is impeded, lights are bright, exams are mandatory, you are attached to machines. All this causes stress, unnatural hormone responses and can present in you as elevated blood pressure, more painful contractions without corresponding opening, stalled labor and in baby as fetal distress.
  • SPHINCTER LAW and means that when you go to hospital in early labor or prior to labor instead of in active labor then your body instincts to keep baby in.  This means labor slows way down or it could present as a stall at some point.  This then causes the cascade, self-doubt, and the shift to having things done to you  where as when at home you labor from within.  You greatly increase your chance of c-section for “failure to progress” when you arrive in-hospital in early labor.  Women dilate in unique ways almost never mimicking hospital protocol.  When you arrive in early labor, are checked, then checked again and do not dilate within hospital protocol time-frames then you  “failed to progress.” A tiny percent of Milwaukee area providers will send women home in early labor. The vast majority will keep you in-hospital once you arrive.
  • LABOR PERCEIVED AS SHORTER. When you stay in your primal zone, you do open more efficiently. Also, because you let go of  “time” you let go of thinking mind.
  • YOU ENJOY THE COMFORTS OF HOME. So as you walk about, lie on your side, get food and drink, listen to music, stay naked, stay on the toilet, go in the tub, you do so in a familiar place and you do so freely.
  • YOU CAN DO INTIMATE THINGS WITH YOUR PARTNER TO ENCOURAGE ACTIVE LABOR. You are home, use the privacy to your advantage.
  • TRUE EXPEDIENT LABORS ARE EXTREMELY RARE IN REAL LIFE.  Yes, there are exceptions and unlike on TV when water breaks or one labor pain happens everyone rushes around this does not happen in real-life. Pre labor can be hours to days. Next is early labor and especially in a first birth this can be from days to about 5-6 hours.  Then, active labor, too, takes time.  Active labor defined as birthing waves increasing in both intensity and duration for at least an hour will last usually two to 8 or so hours in spontaneous labor.  Active labor almost always also presents as contractions close together: about 3 minutes a part from start-to-start with  3:1:1 pattern.
  • CONSIDER LABOR AT HOME UNTIL 3:1:1. You transfer to hospital when contractions last about 1 minutes or more and start every three minutes. And this has gone on for at least one hour.  And when your gut says to  go in, then go.  If you are still in your chatty phase it is way to early.

Your doula can encourage labor at home with her knowledge of birth, instinct, and relative emotional distance.

Sincerely, Martha at


Doulas and Partners by Martha at in Milwaukee, WI. Doulas southeast Wi.

doulas and dads 4

As your doula I am here for you unconditionally.  So if you are single or your partner is not into this then it’s about you and your doula.

When the rhythm of partnership is such that  he/she is involved then during the pregnancy visits we outline how your partner can best support you within the honesty of your relationship.

And, as your doula I support your partner too. Examples of this:

  • Postpartum planning to include your partner in baby care including feeding baby.
  • Ways to help your partner with emotions including depression.
  • A bridge to care-providers as your partner stays present for you.
  • Guidance of how to support you during labor.
  • Referrals.
  • Interpretation of medical speak.
  • Much more!





Doulas Milwaukee Doulas southeast Wi Martha at Doula Woman on: Birth without Fear. Email for free consult or to schedule reiki:

Many of you are familiar with the Birth Without Fear movement and that releasing your fear of childbirth can likely lead to a less painful, healthier, smoother and safer birth.

You  keep moving, focus on your health and strength, take in positive birth stories only, refuse to hear horror stories and advise, skip Facebook posts, TV, etc…that show birth as scary and show women being rescued from their own bodies (usually just in time) by medical staff. You can use this “positive replacement” thinking in every day life too.

Repeat to yourself only positive affirmations such as “My body and baby know just what to do” or “I trust myself” or “My body is just the right size for my baby and my baby will come at just the right time” or “I am strong enough for this.”

Consider that women have done this forever and that while hospital births in the U.S.  became relatively safe around the 1950’s that with medical interventions soaring the rate of fetal and maternal mortality is about the same as when the c-section rate was  10%.  High-risk mom is a relatively new term and prior to this these women birthed spontaneously and vaginally the vast majority of the time.

Women all over the world are with you in this and you can draw on that primal love and energy.

Ways positive lifestyle and self-affirming thinking help you:

  • Movement and healthy eating during pregnancy mean you are more likely to be healthy in general and more likely that baby will gravitate to optimal fetal positions.
  • When you trust yourself your stress-hormone levels decrease meaning increased steady  blood flow to yourself and baby.
  • As a self-advocate you trust yourself to find and keep a care provider who listens to you and who trusts women.
  • You follow your instinct as to aim for a physiologic birth, medically managed birth or one with elements of both.
  • Knowing that you can trust yourself to birth  your body-mind connection works in your favor. So you “release” when your baby’s hormones change as he/she is ready. This causes spontaneous labor,  and the love hormone oxytocin which decreases your pain sensations and causes your uterus to contract efficiently.
  • Listen to your body and know when to say yes or no to tests. As you know the more tests the more interventions.  When you say “yes” to a test do so knowing this is the best choice for you.
  • Know that your pregnancy, birth and role as a mom are about you and not something being done to you.

Sincerely, Doula Woman at


Doulas near Milwaukee: Milwaukee doulas at Doula Woman post about due date.

A first full-term pregnancy naturally is about 41.4 weeks on average.

I looked up some studies and learned the way “due dates” are prescribed does not quite add up. Apparently some guy…a hundred plus years ago devised the “your period” plus seven days method. It was unclear, however, if that meant from start  of period (used now) or end of your period. 

Day of sexual intercourse and day of conception are not always equal either. Sperm can easily live up to 5 days or so meaning conception could be close to a week after sex.

And some women ovulate before or after mid-cycle or before or after 14 days from start of last menstrual period.

Put all of the above plus what you intuitively know together and two women with the same due date could easily be  two weeks apart in gestation.

Why is this important you may ask? The reason is most women get many tests during pregnancy and these tests cause more tests and often interventions such as induced labor and c-section. The tests cause the interventions and medical reasons for the interventions are usually given.  Many of these tests in full or in part are based on the premise of due date and on the premise that all fetuses and women should follow a predetermined course of development.

Just to consider…should you care to.


Martha at or 262-902-8714 or









Doulas in Milwaukee: Milwaukee doula at post on motherhood.

Now that I am a seasoned and spunky doula at age 50 “some” I share that I still remember the births, first few days, and the first few weeks and months of parenting each of my children.  To say something is “so unique” is redundant but applicable here. As a new mom to your baby, this particular baby, your emotions, highs, lows, bodily appearance and functions, mental state (if you can de-fog enough to find your mental state), etc. all smoosh and slosh and blend and diffuse and combat in ways never known before.

What this means is  the plans you made, the classes you took, the stories you heard a, the you-tube videos…well it may be that little or none of those apply.

So, it’s up to you. You can just go with it. You can do what ever is needed to  maintain basic sanity. Or you may  just crash. In any event  remember that you you are not alone. If you feel to be alone then reach out…reach out to a stranger if you need to. YOU are important: for yourself alone and for your baby.

Doulas near Milwaukee: Doula on politics and doulas in Milwaukee by Doula Woman Martha

Today I cross the taboo that doulas cannot talk politics. I can and I do.

I do this because so many (actually all and others too) of my clients are on the spectrum of frazzled to clinically depressed about bringing a baby into the world in this political climate of 2/1/17.

Mamas, you have so much power. Your love to your baby, the strength of that love and your knowledge that YES, women have birthed in tough times before and our collective maternal love and maternal strength has made the world turn forever IS enough.

Love is stronger than hate and I quote this cliche mindfully.

Sincerely, Martha at 262-902-8714.




Doula in Milwaukee: Milwaukee Doula Martha posting on partner support

Birth doula clients often ask “what do you do for my partner?” The answer is many things and very circumstance dependent. Examples

  • talk during prenatals to inform your partner and build his/her advocacy role.
  • step in part-time or full-time if your partner is not into labor and birth stuff.
  • suggest ways for your partner to help you during pregnancy and labor.
  • acknowledge and work with the the dynamics of you and your partner as a couple.
  • stay with you while your partner takes a break.
  • magnify the energy of your partners support.
  • pick up your partners’ cues as I pick your own cues….and more.

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Doula near Milwaukee: Milwaukee doula Martha at posting about yoga.


Benefits of prenatal yoga

  • Calms the mind
  • Increases ability to focus
  • Increases self-trust
  • Offers positions to optimize fetal position for smooth vaginal birth
  • Can help with back aches
  • Better sleep
  • Conducive to maintaining a good blood pressure (as with any exercise/movement)
  • Increases balance
  • Attend a prenatal yoga class and meet other pregnant women/girls
  • A time and place that is reserved for YOU

I am set to teach pre-natal yoga Sundays, beginning February 12 at Mothering the Mother in West Allis, WI.  Feel free to call 262-902-8714 or with questions, comments, stories, or tips. If you are short on money we can work something out. If you hire me as as doula you get free yoga and an additional pre-natal or post-birth visit. Sincerely, Martha at  Doula Woman. 



Birth happens all the time. Birth is one of the few things that does happen all the time. Humans are primarily the only animals that routinely give  birth as if birth were a medical condition or an illness.  Most women in the U.S. birth while being managed by others, usually a team of medical providers. Many women choose to be managed because they believe it is the safest thing to do, the woman’s partner/family believe it is the safest things to do, it is paid for by insurance, it is viewed as the only “real” option, they want an epidural, it’s what most people do.

So about 98% or so of births in Wisconsin are in hospital and therefor medically managed.

Some women opt for natural childbirth in-hospital. This does happen, but rarely. I believe the reason natural in-hospital birth rarely happens is because the birthing woman presents as a patient and has essentially  given consent to follow the care team’s protocol. This is neither good nor bad but important to consider when choosing hospital birth. Imagine if you went to the hospital for any other reason and expected the care providers to “allow nature to take its course.” The vast majority of the time, then, you would not to be in-hospital.

With managed birth often comes the cascade of interventions:  induction, c-sections, and birth complications. Hospital birth is an intervention. Your body, your baby, your hormones, baby’s hormones….know things in a primal way. The primal way is unique to you and this pregnancy and does not follow timelines for the start of labor, the progress of dilation, the rate of descent, the order of things in terms when you go from one stage of labor the next, a timeline for water breaking to time of birth, etc.

Absolutely, if you have chosen hospital birth you should strive for the birth that you know is best for you. And IF you want natural childbirth in hospital it is literally possible. I do believe that viewing hospital birth as an intervention is a step to keeping your power. If you choose hospital birth know that you did so for a reason-it’s the first step to owning your own birth, your start to motherhood of your child.

And as always, as your doula I am honored to serve as your support and bridge to care-provider for all birth place options. The vast majority of my doula births and of most doulas is in hospital. Doulas are here for you.

Sincerely, Martha at    262-902-8714.