Postpartum doulas by Milwaukee Doula Martha at Doula Woman 262 902 8714

What is a postpartum doula?    This post is about doulas working for you when are home with your newborn baby.

This is an opinion and sharing of information blog.  This is not medical advise or evidence based.

Short definition of postpartum doula: “postpartum doula provides evidenced based information on things such as infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from birth, mother–baby bonding, infant soothing, and basic newborn care. A postpartum doula is there to help a new family in those first days and weeks after bringing home a new baby.” by American Pregnancy.

This is a limited definition.  When you are looking to hire a postpartum doula, I suggest choose one with whom you fee comfortable and open. You may need freedom from judgment.  Evidence based support works for some people, not all people. 

When your lifestyle and parenting style differ from “evidenced based” practices you may choose a postpartum doula who supports you, listens to you, and offers fluid support according to your lifestyle. In this way, you are not judged and your confidence builds. For example, until very recently co-sleeping was a “no no” and how to place your baby down to sleep varied from tummy to side-lie to back-lie within about one generation. In each phase the way to place your baby such as “tummy only” or “on his back” was credited as evidence based and pushed on parents with the fear that to do otherwise would increase baby’s risk of SIDS. Breastfeeding, an intimate and timeless bond is also under scrutiny of “evidence based practice.”  On the one hand, moms are pressured to breastfeed constantly if necessary as it is “best for baby” while simultaneously being told to never co-sleep.
A postpartum doula who supports you non-judgmentally will serve you regardless of your feeding, sleeping, eating, and other habits.
What I have done as a postpartum doula:  listening, breastfeeding help, baby calming tips, mom calming tips, referrals to area professionals such as chiropractor, pelvic floor specialist, talk-it-through sessions with partner, hugs, wiped tears, baby-wearing set up, cleaning, meal prep, errands, walks, sibling care, day-care, sounding board for mom to process her birth story, emotional story, or personal challenges, reassurance, and more.
Feel free to contact me.
Sincerely, Milwaukee doula Martha at Doula Woman 262-902-8714

Doula Woman in Milwaukee: Milwaukee doula Martha here

Cost of Homebirth

trust your instinct
Milwaukee doula Martha at Doula Woman

As a doula the vast majority of my birth  clients choose hospital birth, and of course rock their births!

That said, when the only or primary reason you choose hospital birth is because of insurance, further research may help you.

Even with “good” insurance in-hospital birth often costs more than out-of-hospital birth in southeast Wisconsin.  Also, the midwives at Milwaukee Community Midwives, last I heard, accept state insurance (Badger care).

  • When you seek to minimize physical pain and wish to birth with an epidural then hospital birth is best for baby and you.
  • When you feel safer in hospital than out, then hospital birth is for you.
  • When you feel safer out-of-hospital, than in,  then homebirth or birth center is for you.
  • When you seek to birth from within, free from management,  and this freedom is absolutely calling to you then birth center or homebirth is the go-to!
  • When you desire to minimize medical management and are overall fine with it then the protocol of your midwife or doctor is the determining factor.  For example, are you trusted and listened to?  Are you fine with your provider’s timelines for labor induction and his/her protocol for women of your size, age, medical history, etc?

262-902-8714 or

Sincerely, Milwaukee doula Martha at Doula Woman


Doulas and Partners by Martha at in Milwaukee, WI. Doulas southeast Wi.

doulas and dads 4

As your doula I am here for you unconditionally.  So if you are single or your partner is not into this then it’s about you and your doula.

When the rhythm of partnership is such that  he/she is involved then during the pregnancy visits we outline how your partner can best support you within the honesty of your relationship.

And, as your doula I support your partner too. Examples of this:

  • Postpartum planning to include your partner in baby care including feeding baby.
  • Ways to help your partner with emotions including depression.
  • A bridge to care-providers as your partner stays present for you.
  • Guidance of how to support you during labor.
  • Referrals.
  • Interpretation of medical speak.
  • Much more!





Doulas near Milwaukee. Doulas southeast Wi. Doula Woman Martha post on Hypno-doulas

I am a certified doula x 2: Well Rounded  and Hypnobabies.

People ask “so what is Hypno….WHAT?”

Short answer : a hypno-doula is certified by Hypnobabies to doula women using Hypnobabies hypnosis during pregnancy and childbirth.

Hypnobabies offers childbirth education and teaches hypnosis  to deal with pain (birthing waves per Hypnobabies speak), medical interventions and more. The pregnant woman learns to put herself into hypnosis beginning fairly early in pregnancy and uses this during labor and birth.. Women who use this are “hypno-birthing.”

. The woman learns to react in a controlled and relaxed way to things and to use verbage, visuals, and other techniques to direct “anesthesia” to certain parts of her body, to stay relaxed, to let go of medical speak  and to accept her body, pregnancy and birth on her own terms. The woman learns to stay in her primal zone. The woman’s partner is very involved giving cues and designed touches.

The woman is fully aware of herself and surroundings and is not controlled by someone else.

Most of the time hypno-moms birth at or close to “natural” childbirth.

So the above is a brief summary of Hypnobabies.

As a hypno-doula I “doula” you in this way should you choose.


Martha at 262-902-8714.






Doulas in near Milwaukee Doulas in near southeast Wisconsin Doula Woman Martha post: Women supporting Women

A doula by definition is a woman who supports a woman.

You may ask, why should I pay someone to “stand by me” at my birth when I have a partner and medical staff doing just that?

Answer:  Your partner (if you have one present) is there for you with love and emotion. The medical staff is there for you medically.  Your doula is there for you with body-mind-spirit support, primal instinct, judgment-free, and is skilled and trained and/or certified to make your birth a positive experience:  a place where you are safe, your voice is heard, and you transition to parenting in tact with self-love and self-trust.

As always, call or text any time. Sincerely, Martha at, 262-902-8714,




Doulas near Milwaukee: Milwaukee doulas at Doula Woman post about due date.

A first full-term pregnancy naturally is about 41.4 weeks on average.

I looked up some studies and learned the way “due dates” are prescribed does not quite add up. Apparently some guy…a hundred plus years ago devised the “your period” plus seven days method. It was unclear, however, if that meant from start  of period (used now) or end of your period. 

Day of sexual intercourse and day of conception are not always equal either. Sperm can easily live up to 5 days or so meaning conception could be close to a week after sex.

And some women ovulate before or after mid-cycle or before or after 14 days from start of last menstrual period.

Put all of the above plus what you intuitively know together and two women with the same due date could easily be  two weeks apart in gestation.

Why is this important you may ask? The reason is most women get many tests during pregnancy and these tests cause more tests and often interventions such as induced labor and c-section. The tests cause the interventions and medical reasons for the interventions are usually given.  Many of these tests in full or in part are based on the premise of due date and on the premise that all fetuses and women should follow a predetermined course of development.

Just to consider…should you care to.


Martha at or 262-902-8714 or









Doulas in Milwaukee: Milwaukee doula at post on motherhood.

Now that I am a seasoned and spunky doula at age 50 “some” I share that I still remember the births, first few days, and the first few weeks and months of parenting each of my children.  To say something is “so unique” is redundant but applicable here. As a new mom to your baby, this particular baby, your emotions, highs, lows, bodily appearance and functions, mental state (if you can de-fog enough to find your mental state), etc. all smoosh and slosh and blend and diffuse and combat in ways never known before.

What this means is  the plans you made, the classes you took, the stories you heard a, the you-tube videos…well it may be that little or none of those apply.

So, it’s up to you. You can just go with it. You can do what ever is needed to  maintain basic sanity. Or you may  just crash. In any event  remember that you you are not alone. If you feel to be alone then reach out…reach out to a stranger if you need to. YOU are important: for yourself alone and for your baby.

Doulas near Milwaukee: Doula on politics and doulas in Milwaukee by Doula Woman Martha

Today I cross the taboo that doulas cannot talk politics. I can and I do.

I do this because so many (actually all and others too) of my clients are on the spectrum of frazzled to clinically depressed about bringing a baby into the world in this political climate of 2/1/17.

Mamas, you have so much power. Your love to your baby, the strength of that love and your knowledge that YES, women have birthed in tough times before and our collective maternal love and maternal strength has made the world turn forever IS enough.

Love is stronger than hate and I quote this cliche mindfully.

Sincerely, Martha at 262-902-8714.




Doula in Milwaukee: Milwaukee Doula Martha posting on partner support

Birth doula clients often ask “what do you do for my partner?” The answer is many things and very circumstance dependent. Examples

  • talk during prenatals to inform your partner and build his/her advocacy role.
  • step in part-time or full-time if your partner is not into labor and birth stuff.
  • suggest ways for your partner to help you during pregnancy and labor.
  • acknowledge and work with the the dynamics of you and your partner as a couple.
  • stay with you while your partner takes a break.
  • magnify the energy of your partners support.
  • pick up your partners’ cues as I pick your own cues….and more.

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Doula near Milwaukee: Milwaukee doula Martha at posting about yoga.


Benefits of prenatal yoga

  • Calms the mind
  • Increases ability to focus
  • Increases self-trust
  • Offers positions to optimize fetal position for smooth vaginal birth
  • Can help with back aches
  • Better sleep
  • Conducive to maintaining a good blood pressure (as with any exercise/movement)
  • Increases balance
  • Attend a prenatal yoga class and meet other pregnant women/girls
  • A time and place that is reserved for YOU

I am set to teach pre-natal yoga Sundays, beginning February 12 at Mothering the Mother in West Allis, WI.  Feel free to call 262-902-8714 or with questions, comments, stories, or tips. If you are short on money we can work something out. If you hire me as as doula you get free yoga and an additional pre-natal or post-birth visit. Sincerely, Martha at  Doula Woman.